Pl8-1 FPG Sub Speed Notes (Made by Kriller37):
- Both A press and Left release must always be frame perfect, therefore the only part of pole inputs that can vary is left press, which has up to a 3 frame window
- All of this information also applies to any other fpg done on any other level, as long as the set up for fpg involved the last jump to the flagpole base was done when Mario had a speed of 28 or higher. Examples of this include the 1-1 or 4-2 fpg set up in SMB2J, however this paste bin does not include information about "SlowPG" / jumping a frame or 2 late on fpg, since the main focus here is pl8-1, and SlowPG would lose the framerule in 8-1.
- This information does not apply to pole inputs on an fpg done with sockfolder set up.
Perfect / Last Frame Left Press (L, L, L, LA, _, _)
- Bad: 228-252
- Impossible with perfect / last frame left press
- Good: 132-224
- Gives extra frame save (R01) only with D70 (__B0 / 08) (requires D40, D50, D60, or D70)
- Ok: 0-128
- Needs perfect pole inputs and D70 (__80 / D5)
1 Frame Early Left Press (L, L, L, L, LA, _, _)
- 104 to 196 (__A0 / F7) (requires D50, D60, or D70)
- 228 to 252, (__80 / D5) (requires D70)
2 Frame Early Left Press (L, L, L, L, L, LA, _, _)
- 76 to 168 (__80 / D5) (requires D70)
Range That Allows Perfect And 1 Frame Early Left Press
- 104 to 196
- 132 to 196 allows for 1 frame early left press and would give R01 with perfect pole inputs
- See above to see what values different pole inputs will give and what positioning is required for fpg to be possible with the given subspeed and pole inputs
Range That Allows Perfect, 1 Frame Early, And 2 Frame Early Left Press
- 104 to 168
- 132 to 168 allows for 1 and 2 frame early left press and would give R01 with perfect pole inputs
- See above to see what values different pole inputs will give and what positioning is required for fpg to be possible with the given subspeed and pole inputs
Final Notes
- Best range is 132 to 168 because allows for all possible pole input variants and gives extra frame save (which could save a run that loses a frame on fast accel)
- In my opinion, if you are looking for a spot to release right for subspeed manip, look for something that always gives 104-224, but the lower the better. If your someone who often loses a frame on fast accel while still getting set up for fpg, then having subspeed of 132+ may be more important to allow for the possibility of extra frame on pole inputs.
Key: Values listed in parenthesis like this: (__#0 / ##) follow this format:
- First value is the sockfolder value shown when you get FPG and Mario is still holding on to the flagpole, regardless of if Mario is on the right or left side of the pole. The underscore can have any value, and is insignificant, and the digit will always be a 0. 80 means you had 0 subpixels to spare on fpg and are as far left as possible while still being able to hit fpg, A0 is 2 subpixels to spare (2 subpixels further right than 80), and B0 is 3 subpixels to spare (3 subpixels further right of 80, only value that gives extra frame save). All values listed are assuming you had D70, but can be adjust by lowering the value by 1, 2, or 3 if you had D60, D50, or D40 respectively.
- Second value is part of the sockfolder value shown right after you get FPG and Mario is walking at full walking speed towards the castle (added this just incase you don't check soon enough to see the first value). The 2 characters listed are the 2 characters that will be alternating back and forth in the second to left digit in the sockfolder value, AKA the last digit that isn't always 0.